Rep. Flake has made a name for himself on the Hill for his stalwart stand against the practice of earmarking. He consistently puts the spotlight on Members who do through his weekly “Egregious Earmark” press releases and frequent speeches on the House floor to call out members of both parties for wasting the taxpayers’ money.Jeff Flake is serious about reigning in spending and has done an incredible job to date. But he can do even more by attacking the issue at its choke-point; from inside the Appropriations Committee. Leader Boehner together with members of the Republican Steering Committee; Roy Blunt (R-7, MO), Eric Cantor (R-7, VA), John Carter (R-31, TX), and Adam Putnam (R-12, FL), will ultimately decide who fills the current vacancy on the committee. Contact them today and let them know Jeff Flake is the right man for the job.
Here are videos of Rep. Flake fighting earmarks.
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